Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2021 
    Feb 09, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Programs and Units of Instruction



Many of the courses described in this catalog list prerequisites. Prerequisites are courses or program requirements which must be completed before an advanced course may be taken.

Degree Programs

For information on the Degree Programs and Certificates offered by the University of West Georgia, please see Programs of Study .


For information on the Minors offered by the University of West Georgia, please see Programs of Study .

Professional Preparation Programs

Programs of study are available that prepare students to enter other institutions where they can complete their professional training after earning a bachelor’s degree at UWG. Some of the programs call for the student to complete a four-year sequence in a major; others call for the student to complete a two- or three-year sequence of study. Since requirements vary according to the student’s needs, it is important that students declare their intentions to pursue specialized study so that they may receive proper advisement. Professional preparation areas and the departments responsible for advising are listed below:

Course of Study See These Departments for More Information about Programs and Advising
Engineering Pathways:  Kennesaw, Mercer, Georgia Southern, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Georgia Physics, Chemistry, or Geology
Preparation for forestry Biology
Preparation for law Philosophy or Political Science
Preparation for medical professions including medicine, dentistry, dental hygiene, veterinary medicine, physical therapy, and physician’s assistant Biology or Chemistry
Preparation for pharmacy Chemistry

Requirements for Undergraduate Degrees

Specific Requirements for Bachelor of Arts Degree

  1. A minimum of 120 hours of academic college work in an approved program and completion of the physical education requirement of the college from which one takes a degree. The approved program must include 60 semester hours in the Core Curriculum.
  2. A minimum of 39 semester hours of work in courses numbered 3000 or above. Twenty-one of these hours must be in the major field and 12 of these hours must be taken at West Georgia.
  3. Thirty-three semester hours must be completed in residence. Twenty of these hours must be in the senior year.
  4. Attain a minimum institutional grade point average of 2.0 and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in the courses used to satisfy the major.
  5. Major courses and professional education sequence courses are not to be taken by correspondence or extension. Not more than 30 hours of the program and none of the professional education sequence may be done by extension or correspondence, nor may more than 30 hours be completed at off-campus sites.
  6. If in a program involving teacher certification at the secondary level, the student must meet the requirements outlined under College of Education in the following sections: Admission to Teacher Education, Eligibility, Education Blocks, and Education Program Completion Requirements.
  7. Complete 2002 (or equivalent) in a foreign language. Entering students with previous language experience are encouraged to take a placement test if they plan to continue the study of the same language.
  8. Satisfactorily complete POLS 1101  and HIST 2111  or HIST 2112 . Exemption from history may be earned by passing appropriate tests.

Specific Requirements for Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies

  1. Attain a minimum of 120 hours of academic college work in an approved program. The approved program must include 60 semester hours in the Core Curriculum. Completing Core Areas A & D option I for non-science major is acceptable.
  2. Complete ENGL 1101   and ENGL 1102   with a grade of C or better.
  3. A minimum of 39 semester hours of work in courses numbered 3000 or above. Twenty-four of these hours must be in the major field defined by the student’s degree plan and twelve of these hours must be earned at West Georgia.
  4. Thirty-three semester hours must be completed in residence, which must include XIDS 2000  , XIDS 3000  , and XIDS 4000   with a grade of  C or better. 
  5. Fifteen of the thirty-three semester hours completed in residence must be in the senior year.
  6. Attain a minimum institutional grade point average of 2.0 and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in the courses used to satisfy the major (the major field defined by the degree plan).
  7. Major courses are not to be taken by correspondence or extension. Not more than 30 hours of the program may be done by extension or correspondence.
  8. A degree plan, developed in consultation and with the approval of a program committee, specifies each student’s major field and must include at least 24 credit hours from the following: XIDS 3000  , XIDS 4000  , and at least nine credit hours (and no more than eighteen) of 3000/4000 level coursework from each of two grounding disciplines.
  9. Students with 60 or more earned hours must have a signed degree plan. Transfer students with more than 60 hours must complete their degree plan by the end of the first term of enrollment in the degree program.
  10. A minimum of three hours from one of the two disciplines identified in the degree plan as a grounding discipline must be earned at West Georgia.
  11. Satisfactorily complete POLS 1101   and HIST 2111   or HIST 2112  . Exemption from history may be earned by passing appropriate tests.

Specific Requirements for Bachelor of Science Degree

  1. A minimum of 120 semester hours of academic college work in an approved program and the physical education requirement of the college from which one graduates. The approved program must include 60 semester hours in the Core Curriculum.
  2. A minimum of 39 semester hours of work in courses numbered 3000 or above. Twenty-one of these hours must be in the major field, and 20 of these hours in the major must be taken at West Georgia.
  3. Thirty-three semester hours must be completed in residence. Eighteen of these hours must be in the senior year.
  4. Attain a minimum institutional grade point average of 2.0, and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in the courses used for the major.
  5. Complete other requirements for the major listed by individual departments.
  6. Complete the science major option of Core Areas A & D, if required.
  7. Satisfactorily complete POLS 1101  and HIST 2111  or HIST 2112 . Exemption from history may be earned by passing appropriate tests.
  8. Not more than 30 hours of the program and none of the professional education sequence may be done by extension or correspondence, nor may more than 30 hours be completed at off-campus sites.

Specific Requirements for Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree

  1. A minimum of 120 semester hours of academic college work including 60 semester hours in the Core Curriculum.
  2. A minimum of 39 semester hours of work in courses numbered 3000 or above. Twenty-one to 33 hours must be in the major field and at least 18 hours must be taken at West Georgia.
  3. Thirty-three semester hours must be completed in residence. Eighteen of these hours must be in the senior year.
  4. Attain a grade point average of 3.0 in all supporting courses and attain a grade of C or higher in all nursing courses.
  5. Complete other requirements for the major as listed by the Tanner Health System School of Nursing.
  6. Satisfactorily complete POLS 1101  and HIST 2111  or HIST 2112 . Exemption from history may be earned by passing appropriate tests.
  7. Not more than 27 semester hours of the entire program may be done by extension or correspondence, nor may more than 27 hours be completed at off-campus sites.

Specific Requirements for Bachelor of Science Degree in Sport Management

  1. A minimum of 120 semester hours of academic work in an approved program and three (3) semester hours of physical education are required, to include PWLA 1600 . The approved program must include 60 semester hours in the Core Curriculum, plus completion of the College of Education physical education requirement.
  2. A minimum of 39 semester hours of work in courses numbered 3000 and above. Twenty-one of these hours must be in the major field, and 15 of these hours must be completed at West Georgia.
  3. Thirty hours must be completed in residence. Eighteen of these hours must be in the senior year.
  4. Satisfactorily complete POLS 1101  and HIST 2111  or HIST 2112 . Exemption from these courses may be earned by passing appropriate tests.
  5. No more than 30 hours of the entire program may be done by extension or correspondence, nor may more than 30 hours be completed at off-campus sites.
  6. Must have an overall grade point average of 2.0 to enter professional courses.
  7. Must complete all professional content courses with a grade of C or better.
  8. Attain a grade of at least ‘C’ in the internship experience. The minimum overall cumulative grade point average required for internship is 2.5.
  9. Complete other requirements for the major as determined by the Department of Leadership and Instruction.

Specific Requirements for Bachelor of Science in Education Degree

A student may receive a Bachelor of Science in Education degree which, with the recommendation of the College of Education, qualifies the graduate for an early childhood (grades P-5), a special education (grades P-12), or a physical education (grades P-12) teaching certificate by meeting the following requirements:

  1. A minimum of 120-129 semester hours (dependent upon program) of academic college work in an approved program and three (3) semester hours of physical education are required, including PWLA 1600 . The approved program must include 60 semester hours in the Core Curriculum.
  2. A minimum of 39 semester hours of work in courses numbered 3000 or above. Twenty-one to 33 of these hours must be in the major field and 18 of these hours in the major must be taken at West Georgia.
  3. Complete POLS 1101  and HIST 2111  or HIST 2112 . Exemption from these courses may be earned by passing appropriate tests.
  4. Thirty semester hours must be completed in residence.
  5. Attain the admission requirements for the major (see Admission to Teacher Education Requirements ).
  6. Complete other requirements for the major as listed by individual departments.
  7. Make application for admission to the teacher education program.
  8. Make application for all practicum, internship, and block courses with the Office of Field Experiences prior to enrollment in the courses. Applications are available through Tk20.
  9. Satisfactorily complete a course of 3 or more semester hours in the identification and education of children who have special needs as required by Georgia House Bill 671 for teachers, principals, and counselors.
  10. Not more than 30 hours of the entire program and none of the professional education sequence may be done by extension or correspondence, nor may more than 30 hours be completed at an off-campus site with the exception of external degree programs.
  11. The appropriate assessments for certification required by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission must be completed and passed before a candidate is eligible for certification.

Specific Requirements for Bachelor of Business Administration Degree

  1. A minimum of 120 semester hours of academic college work in an approved program. The program must include 60 semester hours in the Core Curriculum.
  2. A minimum of 48 semester hours of work in courses numbered 3000 and above. Twelve of these hours in the major field must be completed at UWG.
  3. Acceptance as a major in the specific discipline.
  4. Thirty semester hours must be completed in residence. The last 27 hours of the program must also be in residence.
  5. Attain a minimum institution grade point average of 2.0 for graduation. Attain a minimum 2.0 for Core Area F. Attain a minimum of 2.0 for the business junior core. Attain a minimum of 2.0 for the major field requirements. No more than one D is accepted in courses presented to satisfy major field requirements.
  6. Satisfactorily complete POLS 1101  and HIST 2111  or HIST 2112 . Exemption from history may be earned by passing appropriate tests.
  7. Not more than 27 hours of the entire program may be done by extension or correspondence, nor may more than 27 hours be completed at off-campus sites.
  8. Complete other requirements for the major as listed by the department.
  9. At least 50 percent of the business credit hours required for the business degree must be earned at West Georgia.
  10. To specify a second major in business administration, students must contact the chair of both departments selected. The chair of each department will develop a program of study. Students must complete all major and degree requirements for both majors.

Specific Requirements for Bachelor of Music Degree

  1. All new and transfer students planning to major in music must audition for the mus