Feb 13, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
General Education Requirements (Core Curriculum)
Core Area A1
Communication Skills | | Learning Outcomes | 6 hours | Demonstrate the ability to: - Recognize and identify appropriate topics for presentation in writing
- Synthesize and logically arrange written presentations
- Adapt written communication to specific purposes and audiences.
Core Area A2
Quantitative Skills | | Learning Outcomes | 3 hours | - Students demonstrate a strong foundation in college-level mathematical concepts and principles.
- Students demonstrate the ability to apply symbolic representations to model and solve real-world problems.
Choose one of the following based on major:*
* Science, computer science, mathematics, mathematics education, and science education majors must take MATH 1113 or higher. Nursing majors may take MATH 1001 or MATH 1111 . Engineering majors must take MATH 1634 . Business majors are urged to take either MATH 1111 or MATH 1113 . ** Since only three hours are required here in Area A, the extra hour earned by taking this course may be used in Area F according to most degree programs, but, for certainty, the student should always check the specifics listed in the description of the degree program. Core Area B
Institutional Options | | Learning Outcomes | 4-5 hours | Demonstrate the ability to: - Adapt written and oral communication to specific rhetorical purposes and audiences.
- Identify, evaluate, and use information, language, or technology appropriate to a specific purpose.
Students must take one course from category 1, and any combination of courses to meet the total number of hours of 4 for science majors and 5 for non-science majors. 1 - Written and Oral Communication:
Courses in this area must meet both learning outcomes stated above. One of the following is required of all majors. Choose from the following: 2 - Other Institutional Options:
Courses in this area must meet at least one of the learning outcomes stated above. Institutional Elective, choose one of the following: Core Area C
Humanities, Fine Arts, and Ethics | | Learning Outcomes | 6 hours | - Students will demonstrate knowledge of the foundational concepts of artistic, intellectual, or literary achievement, adapting written communication to specific purposes and audiences.
- Students will recognize and make informed judgements about the fine, literary, or performing arts from various cultures.
Choose one from each category.
* XIDS 2100 is listed in both categories, but it may be counted only once. Core Area D
Natural Sciences, Mathematics, and Technology | | Learning Outcomes | 10-11 hours | Demonstrate the ability to: - Apply scientific reasoning and methods, mathematical principles, or appropriate information technologies to explain natural phenomena or situations that arise in the real world.
- Use appropriate scientific tools and instruments to acquire data, process information, and communicate results, adapting written communication to specific purposes and audiences.
The student should consult the specific requirements listed in the description of the degree program later in this catalog and work closely with an advisor to fulfill this area of the Core. Option I-Non-Science Majors
1. Science Courses:
Take two from the list below, at least one of which must be a lab class: *A course listed 3+1 below may be taken without the lab component to be used as a non-lab option here. | | |