The embedded certificate in wildlife ecology includes coursework on the biota, habitat, and human dimensions of wildlife conservation and management. This certificate provides a curriculum focus for students interested in wildlife biology, ecology, natural resources, zoology, botany, veterinary science, and environmental health. The certificate can be easily combined with a major or minor in biology or the BIS pathway in natural resources management to provide a specialization. The UWG Biology Program has a full range of hands-on wildlife ecology courses, including specialized topics such as fire ecology, wildlife techniques, and habitat management. All certificate courses are offered yearly with available options every semester. There is an existing student Wildlife Club at UWG to provide additional support, mentoring, and recruitment for the certificate program.
Dr. Andrew Edelman, Associate Professor of Biology, Certified Wildlife Biologist
Dr. Joseph Hendricks, Professor of Biology
Coursework Requirements
A Minimum of 15 Total Credit Hours. Credit hours from courses taken to fulfill the certificate also count toward the B.S. in Biology, Biology minor, and BIS pathway in natural resources management. Furthermore, certificate requirements do not change the degree requirements for any of these programs.