Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 
    Sep 15, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Faculty

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

ADAMS, BONNIE, B.A., M.A. (University of West Georgia), Senior Lecturer in English

ADAMS, JAN E., B.M., M.M. (State University of West Georgia), Limited Term Instructor in Music

ADAMS, MARGARET “KERI”, B.A., M.A. (University of West Georgia), Public History Manager and Assistant Director of the Center for Public History and Lecturer in History

AGOUN, ABDELKADER, B.S. (University of Oran Algeria), M.S. (Florida Institute of Technology), Lecturer in Mathematics

AHMED, RAIHAN, B.S., M.S. (University of West Georgia), Senior Lecturer in Computer Science

AKINS, RALITSA, M.D. (Medical University of Varna), Ph.D. (Texas A&M University), Vice Provost and Professor of Educational Leadership

ALLEN, JENNIFER K., B.S.Ed. (University of Georgia), M.Ed. (University of West Georgia), Ph.D. (University of Georgia), Associate Professor of Literacy, Department of Literacy and Special Education

ANDERSON, LYNN, B.A., J.D. (University of Kansas), M.A. (Bryn Mawr), Ph.D. (Princeton University), Associate Professor of French

ARRINGTON, THOMAS L., B.A., M.Ed. (University of West Georgia), Ph.D. (Florida State University), Assistant Professor of Media, Department of Educational Technology and Foundations

AUSTIN, ADRIAN M., B.S. (University of Memphis), M.A., Ph.D. (Duke University), Professor of Economics

AYERS, HERMAN D., B.A., M.A. (University of West Georgia), Ph.D. (Kennesaw State University), Assistant Professor of Criminology

BANFORD, HEIDI, B.S. (Evergreen State College), M.A., Ph.D. (College of William and Mary), Associate Professor of Biology

BARBOUR, CONNIE M., CNE, B.S.N. (Northern Illinois University), M.S.N. (Kennesaw State University), Ed.D. (University of West Georgia), Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs and Assistant Professor, Nursing

BARNHART, ANNE C., B.A., M.A., M.A., (Indiana University), M.S. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Professor and Head of Instructional Services, Ingram Library

BARRETT, KATHLEEN, B.A. (SUNY Buffalo), M.A. (Georgia State University), L.L.M. (University of York), Ph.D. (Georgia State University), Assistant Professor of Political Science

BASU-DUTT, SHARMISTHA, B.S. (Jadavpur University), M.S., Ph.D. (Wayne State University), Associate Dean of CACSI and Professor of Chemistry

BAUMSTARK, LEWIS, B.S. (Tennessee Technological University), M.S., Ph.D. (Georgia Institute of Technology), Professor of Computer Science

BAYLEN, DANILO, B.A. (University of the Philippines), M.L.I.S. (University of Alabama), M.Ed., Ed.D. (Northern Illinois University), Professor of Media and Instructional Technology, Department of Educational Technology and Foundations

BELIM, STEPHANIE L., B.S.N. (Florida A&M University), M.S.N. (Walden University), Ph.D. (William Carey University), Assistant Professor, Nursing

BELLON, JAMES, B.S. (State University of NY College), M.A.S. (Georgia State University), Senior Lecturer in Mathematics

BERGIEL, BLAISE, B.S., M.B.A. (Clarion State University), D.B.A. (Mississippi State University), Professor of Business Administration

BERGIEL, ERICH B., B.S. (Mississippi State University), M.B.A. (California State University), Ph.D. (Mississippi State University), Professor of Business Administration

BERNHARDT, MINDY, B.A. (Auburn University), M.A. (CUNY John Jay College), M.A. (CUNY John Jay College), Ph.D. (Georgia State University), Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice

BERTAU, MARIE-CECILE, M.A., Ph.D. (Ludwig Maximilians University), Professor of Psychology 

BEST, RONALD W., B.B.A., M.B.A. (University of Georgia), Ph.D. (Georgia State University), Professor of Business Administration

BEZNOSOV, MIKHAIL A., M.A., Ph.D. (University of Arizona), Lecturer in Political Science

BIRD, BRUCE MACKAY, B.A. (Vanderbilt University), M.S., J.D. (University of Cincinnati), C.P.A., Professor of Business Administration

BOHANNON, KEITH S., B.A., M.A. (University of Georgia), Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State University), Professor of History

BOLAR, CASSANDRA, B.S. (University of Georgia), M.S., Ph.D. (Auburn University), Assistant Professor of Psychology

BOLDT, DAVID JOHN, B.A. (San Diego State University), M.A., Ph.D. (University of New Mexico), Professor of Economics

BONO, HEATHER, B.S., M.A., Ph.D. (University of Alabama), Senior Lecturer in Finance and Interim Chair, Department of Accounting and Finance

BOUMENIR, AMIN, B.Sc. (University of Science Technology of Algiers), M.Sc., Ph.D. (University of Oxford), Professor of Mathematics

BOYD, STACY, B.A. (Randolph-Macon College), M.A. (University of West Georgia), Ph.D. (Emory University), Associate Dean, University College and Associate Professor of English

BRANDENBURG, JAMIE, B.S. (Walden University), M.P.H. (Benedictine University), Instructor, Department of Sport Management, Wellness, and Physical Education

BRILLHART, MELISSA, B.S. (Kansas State University), M.A. (University of Alabama), Clinical Assistant Professor in Health Studies, Department of Sport Management, Wellness, and Physical Education

BRITTON, STACEY, B.S., M.S. (University of Southern Mississippi), Ph.D. (University of Georgia), Assistant Professor of Secondary Education, Department of Early Childhood Through Secondary Education

BROCK, ALEAH, B.S. (Auburn University), M.Ed. (University of West Georgia), Ph.D. (University of Georgia), Assistant Professor of Speech-Language Pathology, Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Speech-Language Pathology

BRODSKY, BRIAN, B.A., M.A. (University of West Georgia), Lecturer in Mathematics

BRONKEMA, RYAN, B.B.A. (Western Michigan University, M.S.A. (University of Wisconsin), Ph.D. (Bowling Green State University), Associate Dean, University College and Associate Professor, Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Speech-Language Pathology

BROOKS, COLLIN, B.S., M.S. (Oregon State University), Ph.D. (University of Northern Colorado), Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management, Wellness, and Physical Education

BROOKS, DANIEL L., B.S., M.S. (University of West Georgia), Lecturer in Biology

BROWN, CHERYL O., B.B.A., M.B.A. (State University of West Georgia), Senior Lecturer in Business Administration

BROWN, CYNTHIA, ANH-BC, CNE, B.S.N. (University of South Maine), M.S.N., D.N.S. (Florida Atlantic University), Professor, Nursing

BROWN, JANET D., B.S.Ed., M.Ed., Ed.S. (University of West Georgia), Comprehensive Community Clinic Coordinator and Clinical Instructor, College of Education

BROWN, YVETTE M., B.S. (Kennesaw State University), Ph.D. (Binghamton University, NY), Lecturer in Biology

BRYAN, JODY, B.S.N. (University of Wyoming), M.S.N. (University of West Georgia), M.P.H. (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Assistant Professor, Nursing

BRYANT, LeQUINTA E., B.S. (Alabama State University), M.A. (Columbia University Teachers College), M.S. (Kennesaw State University), Clinical Assistant Professor of Mass Communications

BURTON, JAMES HARPER, B.B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D. (Georgia State University), Professor of Marketing and Real Estate

BUSH, DAVID M., B.S. (State University of New York, Oneonta), M.S., Ph.D. (Duke University), Professor of Geology 

BUZON, MARIAN E., B.S. (State University of New York, New Paltz), Ph.D. (University of Idaho, Moscow), Associate Professor of Geology, Department of Geosciences

BYRD, JOSHUA, B.M. (University of Georgia), M.M. (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), D.M.A. (University of Georgia), Professor of Music and Director of Bands

CAMPBELL, SCOTT K., B.S. (University of Montevallo), M.B.A. (Auburn University at Montgomery), Ph.D. (Auburn University), Limited Term Instructor, Department of Management

CAO, LI, B.A. (Chongqing Jianzhu University, China), M.A. (Sichuan University, China), M.Ed. (Queen’s University, Canada), Ph.D. (McGill University, Canada), Professor of Educational Psychology, Department of Educational Technology and Foundations

CAPPONI, NANCY, CCRN, CEN, B.S.N, M.S.N. (Clayton State University), Ed.D. (University of West Georgia), Assistant Professor, Nursing

CARAMANICA, LAURA J., CENP, FACHE, FAAN, B.S.N. (University of Bridgeport), M.Ed. (Teachers College Columbia University), Ph.D. (University of Connecticut), Graduate Program Director and Professor, Nursing

CARMACK CARRIE, A.A. (Black River Technical College), B.S., M.S. (Arkansas State University), Senior Lecturer in Mathematics

CARNES, NATHAN C., B.A. (McNeese State University), M.F.A. (Wichita State University), Assistant Professor of Art

CARNEY, PATRICK, B.A., M.M., Ph.D. (Florida State University), M.S. (Syracuse University), Limited Term Instructor in Music

CARTER, KYLE, A., B.S., M.S. (University of West Georgia), Lecturer in Mathematics

CASPER, KEVIN M., B.A., M.A. (California State University), Ph.D. (Louisiana State University), Associate Professor of English

CHALIFOUX, STEPHANIE, B.S. (Tennessee Tech University), M.A. (Middle Tennessee State University), Ph.D. (University of Alabama), Associate Professor of History 

CHAMBLESS, BRANDY L., B.A., M.A. (University of West Georgia), Senior Lecturer in English

CHAPLE-BORTON, KATHERINE, B.A., M.A. (Emory University), M.F.A. (Georgia State University), Senior Lecturer in English

CHEN, YE, B.S. (Beijing Jiaotong University), M.Ed. (Peking University), Ph.D. (Syracuse University), Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology, Department of Instructional Technology and Foundations

CHENG, YUN, M.S. (Pittsburg State University, MPAcc. (University of West Georgia), Ph.D. (Florida Atlantic University), Associate Professor of Business Administration

CHESNUT, GARY NEAL, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., (University of Alabama, Birmingham), Associate Professor of Physics

CHESTNUTT, CLIFTON E., B.S. (Salisbury University), M.Ed. (Georgia State University), Ed.S. (Georgia Southern University), Ph.D. (Georgia State University), Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education, Department of Early Childhood Through Secondary Education

CHIBBARO, JULIA S., B.A. (Randolph Macon Woman’s College), M.Ed. (The Citadel), Ed.S., Ph.D. (University of South Carolina), Professor of Counseling, Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Speech-Language Pathology

CHRISTOPHER, KELLEY, B.S. (Southern Oregon University), M.S. (Troy University), Senior Lecturer in Criminology

CHWIALKOWSKA, AGNIESZKA, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Nicholaus Copernicus University), Ph.D. (University of VAASA), Associate Professor of Marketing

CLINTON, PATRICK C., B.A. (Northwestern State University), M.F.A. (Southern Methodist University), M.A., Ph.D. (University of Louisiana-Lafayette), Assistant Professor of Film and Video Production

COLE, HAZEL, B.S., M.S., PH.D. (University of Southern Mississippi), Associate Professor of Mass Communications

COLLEY, JAMES RONALD, B.A., M.Acc. (University of South Florida), Ph.D. (Georgia State University), Professor of Business Administration 

COLLINS, DAVID, B.A. (Clarion University), M.F.A. (University of Notre Dame), Professor of Art

CONNELL, LISA, B.A. (Humboldt State University), M.A., Ph.D. (University of Washington), Professor of French

CONRAD, MELANIE, B.A. (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), M.A. (Mankato State University), Ph.D. (Wayne State University), Senior Lecturer in Mass Communications

COOK, JEAN MARIE, B.S. (Southern Polytechnic State University), M.L.S. (The University of Alabama), M.S. (University of West Georgia), Professor and Instructional Services Librarian, Ingram Library

COOPER, ASHTON R., B.B.A. (Baylor University), M.P.S.A. (Texas A&M University), Ph.D. (University of Tennessee), Assistant Professor in Higher Education, Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Speech-Language Pathology

CORLEY, JONATHAN, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. (University of Alabama), Associate Professor of Computer Science

COUNCIL, MORRIS R., B.S., M.Ed. (Miami University), Ph.D. (The Ohio State University), Associate Professor of Special Education, Department of Literacy and Special Education

CRAWFORD, KIMBERELY A., A.A. (Covenant College), B.S.N., M.P.H., M.S.N. (Emory University), Ph.D. (Duquesne University), Assistant Professor, Nursing

CREAMER, CAYCEE, B.S. (Berry College), M.S. (University of West Georgia), Limited Term Instructor in Biology

CUOMO, AMY L., B.A. (Mary Baldwin College), M.A. (Wayne State University), M.F.A. (Hollins College), Ph.D. (Louisiana State University), Professor of Theatre

CURRIER, RYAN M., B.S. (Michigan State University), M.A., Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins University), Associate Professor of Geosciences

DAHMS, ELIZABETH, B.A. (Centre College), M.A., Ph.D. (University of Kentucky), Associate Professor of Spanish

D’ALBA, ADRIANA B., B.A. (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México), M.Phil. (Glasgow School of Art), Ph.D. (University of North Texas), Associate Professor of Instructional Technology, Department of Educational Technology and Foundations

DAVIDSON, CHAD A., B.A. (California State University, San Bernardino), M.A. (University of North Texas), Ph. D. (State University of New York, Binghamton), Professor of English and Director, School of Arts

DAVIS, ASHLEE, B.S. (Howard University), M.S., Ph.D. (Georgia State University), Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, Department of Sport Management, Wellness, and Physical Education

DAVIS, JR., CLIFFORD, B.S. (Alabama A&M University), M.M., Ed.S., Ed.D. (University of Tennessee), Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Department of Leadership, Research, and School Improvement

DAVIS, MARCIA, B.S.N., M.S.N. (University of West Georgia), Assistant Professor, Nursing

DELINE, BRADLEY, B.S. (University of Michigan), M.S., Ph.D. (University of Cincinnati), Interim Chair, Department of Natural Sciences and Professor of Geology

de NIE, MICHAEL W., B.A. (Lehigh University), M.A., Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Professor of History and History Program Coordinator

DENG, LIQIONG, B.A., M.A. (Fudan University-China), PH.D. (Texas A & M), Professor of Management

DE SILVA, AJITH, B.S. (University of Ruuna, Matara, Sri Lanka), M.S., Ph.D. (University of Cincinnati), Professor of Physics

DEVER, HOLLY A., B.S.N., M.S.N. (University of West Georgia), Assistant Professor, Nursing

DEWEESE, GEORGINA G., B.S., M.S. (Louisiana State University), Ph.D. (University of Tennessee), Professor of Geography

DHAR, AYURDHI, B.A., M.A. (University of Delhi), Ph.D. (University of West Georgia), Assistant Professor of Psychology

DILLON, JAMES J., B.A. (College of the Holy Cross), M.A., Ph.D. (Clark University), Professor of Psychology 

DISHMAN, MIKE L., B.A., J.D. (University of Mississippi), Ed.D. (Vanderbilt University), Dean, College of Education and Professor of Education Policy and Governance

DIXON, ERIN M., B.F.A. (Savannah College of Art/Design), M.F.A. (Georgia State University), Senior Lecturer in Art

DOLLINGER, KAREN, B.S., M.A. (Miami University), Ph.D. (Ohio State University), Lecturer in Spanish

DONOHOE, JANET A., B.A. (University of Iowa), M.A., Ph.D. (Boston College), Honors Dean and Professor of Philosophy

DOYLE, MARIA-ELENA, A.B. (Princeton University), M.A., Ph.D. (University of California, Los Angeles), Professor of English

DRAKE, JILL A., B.S., M.S., Ed.S. (Florida State University), Ed.D. (University of Georgia), Associate VP of Academic Affairs and Professor of Early Childhood and Elementary Education

DRAMMEH, S. TIJAN, B.A., M.P.A., M.B.A. (University of West Georgia), Senior Lecturer in Political Science

DRUMMOND, BRITTNEY, A.A. (Young Harris College), B.A. (University of Georgia), M.A. (University of West Georgia), Lecturer in English

DUAH, OLIVER, B.S.N., M.S.N. (University of West Georgia), Assistant Professor, Nursing

DUCKETT, ERIN, B.S., M.S. (University of West Georgia), Senior Lecturer in Biology

DUNAGAN, PAMELA, B.S.N. (Jacksonville State University), M.S.N. (University of West Georgia), Ph.D. (Mercer University), Associate Professor, Nursing

DUNKLEY, DANIELLE, B.A., (Amherst College), M.S., Ph.D. (Mercer University), Limited Term Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Speech-Language Pathology

DUTT, SWARNA D., B.A., M.A. (Patna University, India), M.A., Ph.D. (Wayne State University), Professor of Economics and Fuller E. Callaway Chair

DYAR, KELLY L., CNN, CNE, B.S.N. (University of Phoenix), M.S.N. (Samford University), Ed.D. (University of West Georgia), Director of Inquiry and Scholarship and Associate Professor, Nursing

DYCUS, ASHLEY, B.A., M.A. (University of West Georgia), Lecturer in English

EDELMAN, ANDREW, B.S. (Willamette University), M.S. (University of Arizona), Ph.D. (University of New Mexico), Professor of Biology

EDELMAN, JENNIFER, B.S. (Willamette University), M.S. (University of Arizona), Ph.D. (University of New Mexico), Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education and Chair, Department of Early Childhood Through Secondary Education

ELIAS, SARAH, B.A. (Belhaven University), M.M., D.M.A. (University of Southern Mississippi), Assistant Professor of Music

ELLISON, AMY, B.A., M.A. (University of West Georgia), Senior Lecturer in English

ELMAN, ROCHELLE D., B.F.A. (Illinois Wesleyan University), M.F.A. (Wayne State University), Chair, Department of English, Film, Languages, and Performing Arts and Professor of Theatre Arts

ERBEN, PATRICK, M.A. (Johannes Gutenburg University), Ph.D. (Emory University), Professor of English

EVANS, GEORGIA, B.S., M.Ed. (LaGrange College), Ed.S. (West Georgia College), Ed.D. (University of West Georgia), Clinical Assistant Professor in Educational Leadership, Department of Leadership, Research, and School Improvement

EZEKIEL, CLAIRE, B.A. (University of Montevallo), M.A. (University of Georgia), Lecturer in French

FALCONI, ELIZABETH, B.A. (New York University), M.A., Ph.D. (University of Michigan), Lecturer in Anthropology

FARMER, AMY C., FNP-BC, B.S., B.S.N. (State University of West Georgia), M.S.N. (Kennesaw State University), Associate Professor, Nursing

FARMER, JULIA, A.B. (Bryn Mawr), Ph.D. (University of California Berkeley), Director of Ombuds Services and Professor of Spanish

FARRAN, LAMA, B.A. (American University of Beirut), M.S. (University of Mississippi), Ph.D. (Georgia State University), Professor of Speech-Language Pathology, Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Speech-Language Pathology

FAUCETTE, WILLIAM MARK, B.S., M.A. (University of Georgia), M.S., Ph.D. (Brown University), Associate Professor of Mathematics

FERRELL, CONSTANCE L., B.B.A. (University of Mississippi), M.B.A. (University of North Alabama), Lecturer in Management

FINAN, REGINA, B.S., M.S. (Georgia State University), M.Ed. (University of Florida), Ph.D. (University of Georgia), Assistant Professor of Counselor Education, Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Speech-Language Pathology

FISHER, JANET, B.S., Ph.D. (University of Miami), Associate Professor of Biology

FLEMING, ANNA M., B.S., M.P.A. (University of West Georgia), Ph.D. (Georgia State University), Limited Term Instructor in Political Science

FLEMING, ANTHONY, B.A., M.A. Ph.D. (West Virginia University), Interim Chair, Department of Civic Engagement and Public Service and Associate Professor of Political Science

FONTANELLA, FRANK, B.S., M.S. (University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa), Ph.D. (City University of New York), Associate Professor of Biology

FRANKS, MATTHEW, B.A. (Oberlin College), M.A. (Humboldt State University), Ph.D. (University of California, Davis), Associate Professor of English 

FRASER, GREGORY A., B.A. (Ursinus College), M.F.A. (Columbia University), Ph.D. (University of Houston), Professor of English

FUENTES, YVONNE, B.A., M.A. (New York University), Ph.D. (Universidad Complutense, Madrid Spain), Professor of Spanish

FUJITA, MEGUMI, B.A. (International Christian University, Japan), Ph.D. (University of Alberta, Canada), Professor of Chemistry

GAGNON, PAULINE D., B.S. (University of Tennessee, Martin), A.M., Ph.D. (University of Michigan), Dean, College of Arts, Culture, and Scientific Inquiry and Professor of Theatre Arts

GAINEY, THOMAS WESLEY, B.S. (Frances Marion College), M.B.A. (Wake Forest University), Ph.D. (University of South Carolina), Professor and Chair, Department of Management

GANT, CAMILLA V., B.A. (Clark-Atlanta University), M.A., Ph.D. (Ohio State University), Chief Administrative Officer, Executive Director of Academic Affairs Douglasville and Professor of Mass Communications

GANTNER, MYRNA W., B.S., M.Ed., Ed.D. (University of Texas, El Paso), Associate Professor of Educational Leadership, Department of Leadership, Research and School Improvement

GAQUERE, ANNE, B.S. (University of Technology, France), M.A., Ph.D. (University of Rouen, France), Director of Education Abroad and Professor of Chemistry

GARNER, JOHN V., B.A. (Florida State University), M.A., Ph.D. (Villanova University), Associate Professor of Philosophy

GATEWOOD, MYSTIE, B.S.N., M.S.N. (University of West Georgia), Assistant Professor, Nursing

GAULT, REBECCA, B.S. (Louisiana State University), M.A., Ph.D. (University of Central Florida), Assistant Professor of Secondary Education, Department of Early Childhood Through Secondary Education

GAY, WESLEY K., B.S.Ed., M.S. (Jacksonville State University), Instructor in Mathematics

GEISLER, VICTORIA J., B.S. (State University of New York, Oswego), Ph.D. (Emory University), Associate Professor of Chemistry

GENELL, AIMEE, B.F.A. (Cooper Union), M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. (Columbia University), Assistant Professor of History

GERHARDT, HANNES, B.S. (University of Miami), M.A. (University of Oslo), Ph.D. (University of Arizona), Professor of Geography

GEYER, BENJAMIN, B.M. (University of Miami), M.M. (Purchase College State University of New York), Ph.D. (University of Kentucky), Associate Professor of Music

GILLES, BRENT, B.S., M.Ed. (Valparaiso University), Ph.D. (Indiana University), Associate Professor of Science Education, Department of Early Childhood Through Secondary Education

GLAZIER, JACOB W., B.A. (Augustana College), M.S.Ed. (Western Illinois University), Ph.D. (University of West Georgia), Assistant Professor of Psychology

GOODSON, HOWARD STEVEN, B.A. (Auburn University), M.A., Ph.D. (Emory University), Professor of History

GORDON, JENNY, B.S.Ed. (University of Georgia), M.A. (South Carolina State University), Ed.S. (Lincoln Memorial University), Instructor of Speech-Language Pathology, Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Speech-Language Pathology

GORDON, MICHAEL SCOTT., B.S., M.A., Ph.D. (Duke University), Professor of Mathematics

GORGA, CATHERINE, B.S., M.S. (Texas A&M University), M.S. (University of West Georgia), Lecturer, Department of Biology

GRAFFIUS, KAREN, B.M. (Louisiana College), M.M., Ph.D. (Louisiana State University), Assistant Professor of Music

GRANT, PHILLIP D., B.A., M.P.A. (University of Alabama), Ph.D. (University of Georgia), Assistant Professor of Educational Research, Department of Leadership, Research, and School Improvement<