Feb 07, 2025
Graduate Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Instructional Technology, Media and Design, Ed.S., Concentrations in Instructional Technology, School Library Media
The Ed.S. in instructional technology, media, and design program consists of two program concentrations: (1) School Library Media and (2) Instructional Technology. The Ed.S. program with a concentration in School Library Media is designed to prepare media specialists to serve in district-level school library leadership roles in PK-12 school districts. The Ed.S. program with a concentration in Instructional Technology provides initial or advanced preparation for instructional designers, instructional technology coordinators, and certified K-12 (e.g., teachers, school library media specialists) seeking to gain additional skills in instructional technology for integration into the PK-12 classroom. Admission requires a master’s degree in any field and at least a 3.0 GPA. Applicants for concentration one in School Library Media must be eligible for S-5 certification in School Library Media. Exit certification eligibility is determined by the certificate held during admission to the program.
School Library Media Concentration
Ed.S. Core Required for all Candidates (15 hours)
Elective Courses: 15 hours required
Instructional Technology Concentration
Instructional Technology Required Courses (12 hours)
Electives/Tracks (15 hours)
IT Certification* (9 hours) - MEDT 7490 - Visual and Media Literacy for Teaching and Learning 3 Credit Hours
- MEDT 7464 - Designing Technology Enhanced Instruction 3 Credit Hours
- MEDT 7476 - Assessing Learning in Technology-Enhanced Instruction 3 Credit Hours
(not offered in summers; Prerequisites: MEDT 7464 or MEDT 7461)
Online Teaching Endorsement or Online Teaching Certificate Elective Courses (9 hours) - MEDT 7472 - Introduction to Distance Learning 3 Credit Hours (Prerequisite: MEDT 7461 or MEDT 7464 )
- MEDT 7491 - Implementation, Assessment, and Evaluation of Online Learning 3 Credit Hours (Prerequisite: MEDT 7472 )
- MEDT 7492 - Leadership and Administration of Online Learning and e-Learning 3 Credit Hours (Prerequisite or Corequisite: MEDT 7491 )
Additional Electives - MEDT 7467 - Web Design for Instruction 3 Credit Hours
- MEDT 7468 - Instructional Multimedia Design and Development 3 Credit Hours
- MEDT 7470 - Digital Media Production and Utilization 3 Credit Hours
- MEDT 7473 - Advanced Multimedia 3 Credit Hours
- MEDT 7479 - Digital Game-Based Learning 3 Credit Hours
- MEDT 7480 - Global Learning and Collaboration with Technology 3 Credit Hours
- MEDT 7485 - Special Topics in Media 1.0 - 3.0 Credit Hours (with advisor approval)
- CEPD 8102 - Lifespan Human Development 3 Credit Hours
Others to be approved by advisor 1. The Instructional Technology Certification courses (e.g., MEDT 7461, MEDT 7468, MEDT 7476, and MEDT 7490) are required courses for Instructional Technology Certification through the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) but can be taken as electives for non-certification students.
2. Students must pass the GACE Content Assessments for IT if they seek certification.
3. Renewable Professional certificate upon admission required for eligibility for Instructional Technology certification and Online Teaching Endorsement.
4. The Online Teaching Endorsement and the Online Teaching Certificate are two program options that require the same courses but are tailored to two distinct audiences. The endorsement is designed for students who hold a current clear, renewable teaching certificate at level 4 or higher, in accordance with the requirements of the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. The certificate is designed for students working in non-K-12 environments (i.e., higher education, industry, military) who wish to improve their online design and facilitation competencies.
6. The courses MEDT 7476 and MEDT 7491 are not offered in summer semesters.
7. To graduate, students must hold a minimum of a “B” average (i.e., 3.0).