Graduate Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Literacy and Special Education
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Special Education
Education Annex 246 • 678-839-6179
Associate Professors:
S. Robbins, M. Trotman Scott (Interim Chair, Department of Early Childhood Through Secondary Education)
Assistant Professors:
M. Council, A. Fain, K. Green, R. Tullis
Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes for students completing the Master of Education in Special Education are taken from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Commission’s (NBPTS) Five Core Propositions ( and the NBPTS Exceptional Needs Standards, in addition to the Advanced Content Standards and the Advanced Knowledge and Skills Sets of the Council for Exceptional Children. The learning outcomes for students completing the Specialist in Education are taken from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Commission’s (NBPTS) Five Core Propositions, the NBPTS Exceptional Needs Standards, and the Advanced Content Standards of the Council for Exceptional Children.
Probation and Dismissal Policy for Graduate Students
Graduate students must maintain a 3.0 GPA.
Reading Education
Education Annex 246• 678-839-6179
Associate Professors:
T. Ogletree, J. Ponder (Chair)
Assistant Professors:
J. Allen, B. Scullin
Learning Outcomes
The Reading Education Program utilizes the standards for reading professionals as developed by the International Literacy Association.
ProgramsMaster of Arts in TeachingMaster of EducationSpecialist in EducationEndorsement
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