Amber M. Smallwood, Ph.D., Interim Dean
The motto of the College of Social Sciences (COSS) encapsulates the shared focus of the academic programs and centers housed in the College. Service to humanity is the founding principle at the heart of our various disciplines and informs our approach to the place of COSS in the wider community. Doing the public good is the natural extension of our broad commitment to our shared communities.
As academic disciplines, our departments explore key aspects of the human condition and broaden our understanding of life and how it is lived. This exploration is critical to the development of informed, engaged, and active members of our communities. The partnerships formed between COSS programs and centers and the broader communities help our students to see the impact they may have on the future of local, regional, state, national, and global communities. They also help our faculty and staff engage in the community to find avenues for mutually beneficial relationships. The continued success of our efforts to serve humanity and do public good depends on our ability to effectively and sustainably maintain our programs and centers and their relationships both at the University of West Georgia and with our wider community of stakeholders.
The College of Social Sciences at UWG is committed to excellence in teaching, scholarship and service in the interest of promoting the public good. The College aims to provide students with an understanding of contemporary and historical aspects of the various disciplines of the social sciences and the skills necessary for professional competence.
The College of Social Sciences at UWG will be a recognized leader in creating a collaborative learning and research culture, promoting community engagement, attracting an increased proportion of talented and passionate students and faculty. The College will provide distinctive and sought out programs and graduates, leading to an expanded and diversified resource base.
Department of Anthropology
Anthropology 01-B 678-839-6445
L. Gezon (Chair), M. Snipes
Assistant Professors:
N. Lawres (Director of the Antonio J. Waring, Jr. Laboratory), C. Maggiano (Co-Director of the Biological and Forensic Anthropology Laboratory)
E. Falconi, V. Gornik, I. Maggiano (Co-Director of the Biological and Forensic Anthropology Laboratory)
Bachelor of Science
Department of Criminology
Pafford 217 • 678-839-5199
D. Jenks (Interim Provost & VPAA)
Associate Professors:
V. Griffin, C. Jenks (Associate VP for Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment), G. Lee, M. Mills (Director of Graduate Studies), L. Pazzani
Assistant Professors:
D. Ayers, P. Brady, A. Kolb, B. McNeal, J. Nicholson, M. Vuk, E. Wentz, S. Williamson
Senior Lecturers:
K. Christopher, P. Riley
C. White
W. Bagwell (Internship Coordinator), E. Daniel-Roberson
Bachelor of Science
Department of Mass Communications
Humanities 139 • 678-839-6518
C. Gant (Chief Administrative Officer, Executive Director of Academic Affairs, Douglasville), S. Moon, A. Smallwood (Interim Dean, COSS), B. Yates (Chair)
Associate Professors:
H. Cole, P. Hadley, D. Kay, C. Renaud, J. Sewell
Assistant Professors:
L. Bryant, R. Hicks, K. Lorenzano, K. Williams
M. Conrad, B. Daniel (Director of Communication Studies), M. Hester (Director of UWG Debate and Special Assistant to the SDO), T. Phanor, A. Will, M. Wilson
The Department of Mass Communications offers a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications, a Bachelor of Science in Film and Video Production, and minors in Communication Studies, Film and Video Production, and Mass Communications.
Bachelor of Science
Department of Political Science
Pafford 140 • 678-839-6504
H. Mbaye, J. Peralta, C. Rackaway (Chair), R. Sanders, R. Schaefer (Interim Chair of Criminology)
Associate Professors:
A. Fleming, T. Hunter, S. Lee, P. Rutledge
Assistant Professors:
K. Barrett, D. McLean, K. Owen
Senior Lecturer:
S. Drammeh
M. Beznosov
The general education mission of the Political Science Department is to help students develop an understanding of the basic values, institutions, political and legal processes and public policies of the American national and Georgia governments so that they can participate in government in a knowledgeable and intelligent fashion. The undergraduate program offers two academic degrees. The primary purpose of the B.A. program is to provide students with a general, liberal arts degree with a major in political science. Such a degree is appropriate for those students who want a broad liberal arts education, plan to attend graduate or law school, or wish to prepare for employment in government, political organizations, journalism or a private business with extensive public contracts. The primary purpose of the B.S. program is to give students an overview of the discipline and a more concentrated focus on a particular subfield of political science so that they are prepared for employment in the public sector or in nonprofit organizations or for professional programs in graduate school or law school. Finally, the department provides service courses related to domestic and international politics for students enrolled in related programs at West Georgia.
Bachelor of Art
Bachelor of Science
Department of Psychology
Melson 123 • 678-839-6510
J. Dillon (Director of Undergraduate Programs), T. Hart, N. Korobov, M. Kunkel (Director of M.A. Program), L. Osbeck, A. Pope, L. Schor
Associate Professors:
M.C. Bertau (Ph.D. Program Director), J. Diaz, E. Dodson, J. Reber (Chair), J. Roberts, C. Simmonds-Moore, K. Skott-Myhre
Assistant Professors:
C. Bolar, N. Gupta, J. Head, D. Mitchell, T. Weiner
A. Kurle
R. LaFleur
Bachelor of Science
Department of Sociology
Pafford 217 • 678-839-6505
J. McCandless, N. Noori (Coordinator of Global Studies)
Associate Professors:
P. Kirk (Coordinator of Bachelors in Social and Behavioral Health Program), E. McKendry-Smith (Director of Graduate Studies), W. Tripp (Interim Associate Dean of COSS), J. Weber (Director of Women’s Studies), E. Windsor (Chair)
Assistant Professors:
A. Irby-Shasanmi, A. Kazeem, M. McIvor
T. Parsons, F. Payne, V. Wood
Sociology is the scientific study of society and human behavior. Through the use of both research and theories, sociologists develop understandings of complex forms of human behavior. Students in the BS degree program in Sociology learn about the very fabric of social relations through courses in inequality, aging, gender, deviance, globalization, social psychology, race and ethnicity, the environment, the media and more. The Sociology program seeks to provide students with mastery of basic academic subject matter along with the learning skills necessary for enrichment and continued success in academic and workplace environments. Upon graduation students are prepared for advanced graduate and professional school education and for entrance into the job market in business, government, non profit organizations, and social services work. Internships are available to provide onsite, practical experience. Students are encouraged to pursue independent research, collaborate with professors on their research, and present their work at conferences such as the Georgia Sociological Association and the Southeastern Undergraduate Sociology Symposium. Students who qualify are also invited to join the national sociology honor society, Alpha Kappa Delta. The B.S. Degree in Sociology is available in both face-to-face and online.
Undergraduate Certificates in Sociology
Several certificates of specialization are available to Sociology majors and minors. Non-Sociology majors who complete a certificate program will earn a minor in sociology.
Each certificate requires 15 hours in specific courses. SOCI 1101 is required of all the certificates. Courses taken to receive a certificate also count toward the sociology major and toward additional certificates. The certificate programs and the courses that can be taken to fulfill the requirements are listed below.
Bachelor of Science